
Salty Day

Date: 4th June 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy, Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Salty Day

After the “Sweet Day”, the children were looking forward to the next event of the week – “Salty Day”. Those who had brought food for the event of day were very eager to share it with his/her fellow classmates.

Let see what the children had brought for “Salty Day”. 

Wow, the children had brought – salted egg, cheese, salty mamee biscuit, rice cracker, potatoes biscuits (in shell shapes), salty seaweed, fried anchovies & dried figs (I brought that)
I also guided the children to do a poster for “Salty Day” before we start our tasting time. The children had a great time eating all those food their friend brought.

