
Movie - Cloudy with the Chance of Meatball

Date: 27th April 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Movie - Cloudy with the Chance of Meatball

I chose this movie as it related to food. Hopefully through the movie, the children could have a better expose to it. Today, we could only played the movie for about 50 minutes. We shall continue tomorrow.

This story sat place at Shallow Falls. Flint Lockword has an ambition to become an inventor since young. However, none of his invention brings smile to everyone. His father who worked at the bait shop wanted him to stop with the invention and come to help him out at the bait shop. One day, when Flint noticed that everyone is Shallow Falls were fed up with sardines, he wanted to invent a machine which will create food. Unfortunately, it didn't work out as planned. Yet, when food is falling from the sky, everyone from Shallow Falls started to order food to rain. That's when Sam Spark, the weather girl, came into the picture to make report of the food forecast. The list of food order is getting longer and longer while the machine itself is going out of control. Sam wanted to warn Flint about it but he ignored her advice. 

We shall continue tomorrow to see how Flint could rescued Shallow Falls. 


My Little Book (part V)

Date: 23rd April 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

My Little Book (part V)

Today, I needed to get all the children to complete their little book. Therefore, I get those who had completed their little book to do some free drawing while I could concentrate on those who needed guidance.

Finally, we all managed to complete all our little book today! Hooray!!

I will be attending a course tomorrow. Therefore, there's no blog update for 24th April 2015 (Friday).


My Little Book (part IV)

Date: 22nd April 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

My Little Book (part IV)

Today, we continue with our little book assignment. I decided to work with a small group today while the rest of them could do some colouring on their little book.

I get the children to read out the lines before they paste those onto their little book. Hopefully they could remember and understand what we were working on here.

Unfortunately, I only managed to complete with parts of the children while the rest I can only do it tomorrow. Hopefully I shall get everyone to complete their little book assignment by tomorrow and they could share it with their family about the recipe of making mashed potatoes.


My Little Book (part III)

Date: 21st April 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

My Little Book (part III)

Today, we continue with our little book project. Only that, today I get the children to work in groups. One of the group of children will work with me to paste the wordings together with the pictures while the rest of them will colour their wordings that they pasted the day before.

I guided the children to paste the wordings of the ingredients that the recipe needed in their little book with the pictures. Some of the children could associate the pictures with the words by looking at the words that appeared in the picture such as salt, pepper and milk. Then the rest of it, they tried to guess.

These were some of the pictures of the children at work:

My Little Book (part II)

Date: 20th April 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

My Little Book (part II)

Today, I brought in some A4 colour papers which I have already cut them half. I have some pink, blue and green paper with me. The children will take these three papers and arranged it according to their preference. Once they have done that, they will come to me to get the little book stapled and their names were written on it.

Then, I gave them the front cover page lines- "My Mashed Potato Recipe By", for them to paste it on their front page. Most of them could get the lines arranged in order while some needed some guidance. However, all of the children managed to complete the task and we moved on to another page of the little book.

This time, I gave them another line to paste it on their 1st page of their recipe book - "We need these ingredients:"

These were some of the photos taken during the activities:


My little Book

Date: 17th April 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

My little Book

It will be World Book day on next Thursday (23rd April 2015). Therefore, today we discuss about making a book on mashed potato recipe book. The children agreed.

I have prepared some contents that I wanted to put in the little book. Therefore, I demonstrated the process of making the little book and get the children to guide me through it. Fortunately, I worked with the children, I realized that I have missed out some words and pictures.


Our Taste Bud and Games

Date: 16th April 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Our Taste Bud and Games

Today, we went through a book about our tongue. The children also learned about the 4 taste that our tongue could taste - sweet, sour, salty and bitter. The book guided us about the position of those tastes in our tongue. The children gave some examples of food of a certain taste.

Then, I noticed some of the children don't really know how to categorize vegetables and fruits. Therefore, I prepared some flash cards with vegetables and fruits. Then, I chose 2 different colour tables and placed a title on it - vegetables and fruits.

The children needed to walk to the centre of the room to pick up a flash card and decide which table to put it. Most of the flash cards were correctly placed and only a few mistake done.

Hopefully through this activity, the children will be more aware of it.

Worksheet - Vegetables and Fruits

Date: 15th April 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Worksheet - Vegetables and Fruits

Today, I prepared a worksheet for the children to work on it about vegetables and fruits. The children needed to search for the picture of any vegetables and fruits from those shopping leaflets that some children brought.

Then, after that, the children needed to paste the picture of the vegetables and fruits at the space provided on the worksheet.

The worksheet looks like this:


Introduction to Vegetables and Fruits

Date: 14th April 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Introduction to Vegetables and Fruits

Today, we moved a level up on the food pyramid to - vegetables and fruits.

By reading the book - Good enough to eat, it mentioned that vegetables and fruits provides us a lot of vitamins and minerals. Generally, it also mentioned some common usage of vitamins and minerals in our body.

Then, I showed a vegetables and fruits chart for the children to go through. After that, I get the children to draw their favourite vegetables and fruits on a piece of A4 paper.

Schedule for Watering the Potato

Date: 13th April 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Schedule for Watering the Potato

Today, we revised back the procedure of planting the potato and doing the mashed potatoes. We also sing the potato rhymes.

After that, I discussed with the children about the needs of watering the potato plants every morning when they go out to play. However, all of them wanted to be the first one.

Suddenly, I got an idea of drawing out the calendar on the white board for 5 weeks. There will be 5 days per week which means 5 children will have to water the plant for that particular week. I divided the 18 children into 4 big groups. I wanted the children to look for 5 friends to sit together.

First, each group will draw lots for the number of week they needed to water the plant. Then, after that, each group of them will draw lots for the days to be in charged. We shall observe the plant on every Friday to see if there's any growth about it.


Mashed Potato

Date: 10th April 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Mashed Potato

We sang the potato rhymes some days ago and in its lyrics, it mentioned about the ingredients that we needed to do the mash potato. Therefore, we take this opportunity to make one today.

Basically the ingredients we needed were as followed:
- some potatoes
- some butter
- some milk
- some salt and pepper

First, I get the children to wash the potato before I peel it.

Then, I peel off the skin of the potato and cut them into quarter each before putting them all into the boiling water for about 20 minutes.

After that, the children queued up with their bowls for a piece of potato. I added in some milk and butter for each of them. They tried their best to mash it. Once they were done with the mashing, they came and asked for some salt and pepper.

Lastly, they can start to eat their mash potato.

The children said it's delicious. Most of them asked for more.


Planting the potato

Date: 9th April 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Planting the potato

We got the soil ready today! Yes, we can plant our potato. I used a recycle material - plastic container, as our pot so that the children could observe the growth of the potato.

There were 2 kinds of soil, some black and brown soil. We needed to mix it so that the soil won't be too sticky when it gets wet. We moved our classroom to the outdoor today. I got an empty pail for us to do the mixing job. After I have poured some black and brown soil into the empty pail, I get the children to take turns to mix it.

Then, after that, I dig a hole at the side of the plastic container to put the potato in it. Then, I covered it back with some soil. The children helped to water the potato after we found a spot to put the potato.


Potato Rhymes

Date: 8th April 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Potato Rhymes

The soil was not ready for the planting of the potato today. Therefore, I teach the children to sing a song on potato.

We wrote down the song on a piece of mahjong paper. Then, we added in some actions. This is not just a counting song, yet, it’s also a recipe for the mashed potato. The children wanted to try it out. Therefore, after singing the song, I get the children to tell me the ingredients of the mashed potatoes. I needed to give some hints.

The lyrics of the potatoes rhymes:

One potato, two potatoes, 
Three potatoes, four
Five potatoes, six potatoes, 
Seven potatoes, more
Eight potatoes, nine potatoes, 
Ten potatoes, all

Milk and butter, milk and butter, 
mash, mash, mash, 
Salt and pepper, salt and pepper
stir, stir, stir
Mashed potato, mashed potato, 
mashed potato all. 

Finally, the children managed to search for the answer from the song. Basically, the ingredients to make the mashed potatoes are as followed:
1)      Potatoes
2)      Butter
3)      Milk
4)      Salt
5)      Pepper

Kian Han brought 2 potatoes to show it to his classmates. It’s quite a big one. Therefore, I suggested that we get 2 children to share one potato for the mashed potatoes. The children couldn’t tell me exactly how many potatoes do we need. Therefore, I get them to stand in pairs. However, it’s an odd number. There’s a group with three. I promised to get a big potato for their group. After counting all of them, we needed around 8 potatoes. We did some counting and mathematics sum for the children to understand numbers.

Most probably the soil will be ready by tomorrow and we shall plant the potato in the school garden.


Date: 7th April 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


Potato contains carbohydrates. Therefore, I picked this as our subtopic for carbohydrates.

Today, we learned about the growing stage of a potato. Coincidence, in my hand, there's a big potato that already started to germinate. Therefore, we could plant it.

From the picture that I had drew on the whiteboard today, the children learned about shoot, roots and sunshine in our lesson today. The whole growing process needed about 12 weeks. At first, I was a little worried how the children could understand the numbers of days. Then, suddenly I thought of an idea. The children will bring their reading material home every Friday. We can consider each Friday as a week.

If we get the plant the potato by this week, then we can start by counting the numbers of time the children bring their reading material home. We shall do a chart for the growth of the potato.