
Language Activity

Date: 29th June 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Language Activity

The children learned how to construct sentences by using the phrase " I like to eat..." and "I like to drink...".

Today, I get the children to name me some item for "eat" and "drink". With their previous experience, they could name me the items quite fast. Then, this time, I wanted them to make sentences by using the phrase "I do not like to eat...." and "I do not like to drink...". The children still needed to identify the food items accordingly.

We revised all the vocabulary that we had learned so far. We also read a short passage about fruits and food.

Making of the Supreme Scrambled Egg

Date: 26th June 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Making of the Supreme Scrambled Egg

I have gotten all the ingredients ready. The children needed to tell me if they could remember what the task that I have delegated 2 days ago. Most of them could remember it. Great!

So we started off with cracking the eggs. The six children take turns to crack the eggs into the bowl that I have prepared.

Then, Er Xuen added in the milk.

Shyi Yee added in some salt and pepper after that.

Rui Xin helped to whisk the egg with a egg beater.

Then, I cooked the scrambled egg over a stov. There's no toaster, therefore, they couldn't toast the bread. I get the rest of the class to help to spread the butter onto the bread. I helped them to put the scrambled egg onto each slice of bread.

Finally, the children enjoyed eating the supreme scrambled egg.

Worksheet - Protein

Date: 25th June 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Worksheet - Protein

Today, I prepared a worksheet for the children to work on it. The children needed to choose and colour the correct word according to the picture given. All the pictures were referring to the protein facts that we have learned.

Some of the children could recognise the words while some needed to refer to the poster that we did.


Reading a Recipe - Supreme Scrambled Egg

Date: 24th June 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Reading a Recipe - Supreme Scrambled Egg

Referring to the book - Cooking for Kids Made Easy, I read them a recipe which needed to use eggs. I guided the children to read the steps of making a supreme scrambled egg.

Basically, the ingredients needed were as followed:
- 6 eggs
- 125ml of skimmed milk
- some salt and pepper
- some butter
- bread

By referring to the recipe, I divided the recipe into a few steps where the children could be involved themselves in it. Then, I get them to draw lots and see which job they have to do.

Here is the list of things that each of them would need to do on that day of the activity:

1) Crack the 6 eggs: Kai Yuan, Angele, Wei Xiang, Kian Han, Yun Han, Jie Min

2) Add in the milk: Er Xuen

3) Add in salt and pepper: Shyi Yee

4) Whisk the egg: Rui Xin

5) Add in the egg batter: Germaine

6) Toast the bread: Dexter, Jun Yi, Huey Teng, Yi Ming, Alice, Kheng Yee, Shang Feng, Ming Yen

We might be able to carry out this cooking activity on Friday.

Protein Activity

Date: 23rd June 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Protein Activity

I prepared the list of words with pictures on the information that the children learned yesterday.I get the children to pair themselves up with a friend and hold a word in each group. The mission is they have to locate the pictures that I left on the table. They could ask around if they didn't know how to read it.

After that, I exchanged the words with pictures.

Once all of them had done their part, we pasted the pictures with words on a manila card which is easier for the children to read and refer.


Date: 22nd June 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


Today, we moved on to another level of the food pyramid - food with protein and calcium. From the information I got, the children get to know that protein provides them energy. Protein can be obtained from animals and plants.

So I divided the white board into half, and guided the children to identify which kind of food that they could get from animals and plants.

Here is a list of food for the children to learn:

Protein from animals - fish, meat, poultry, milk, cheese, egg

Protein from plants - nuts, dry beans, wheat, peas, seed

We shall carry out some activity about the protein.


Father's Day Card Making

Date: 18th & 19th June 2015
Day: Thursday & Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Father's Day Card Making

I combined the content for these two days as I have guided the children to work on the making of a father's day card for their father.

I found some colourful waste paper and I cut it into small heart shape for the children to work on it later. Then, I gave each of them a half size drawing paper with some colourful A4 paper. With those heart shapes that I gave, the children could show their creativity in this activity.

After that, I also prepared some wordings - " Happy Father's Day" & " I Love You" for them to paste it onto their masterpiece before I punched 2 holes at the top for them to put a pipe cleaner as the hanger. It was suppose to be a drawing for their father.

Here were some of the pictures of the work done:

Taste of the Day - Bitter Day

Date: 17th June 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Taste of the Day - Bitter Day

Today is the last day of the Taste of the Day activity. Today is Bitter Day. I wonder what the children would bring. Let's look at the items that the children brought for today:

Wei Xiang brought some cocoa powder for his classmates to try.

Angela brought some bitter gourd juice that her mom made for her.

Alice brought a sachet of BOH Jasmine Tea bag.

Yun Han brought a sachet of GENTING Oolong Tea leaves.

Shyi Yee brought a sachet of coffee bag and a small piece of dark chocolate.

Rui Xin brought a sachet of Kopi-O.

We used Rui Xin's coffee bag and picked Shyi Yee's chocolate for their classmates to try.

 Shyi Yi passing the dark chocolate around the classroom.

Alice helped to make some tea for her classmates.

Wei Xiang passing some cocoa powder for his classmate to try. Look at Alice's expression, it must be bitter.

Yun Han helped to pour the tea leaves into the cup.

I didn't manage to get any pictures when I passed around the bitter gourd juice. The children were so excited about it as they had tried something that they still can take it earlier.

The bitter gourd juice must have been a great hit of taste for them. Some even puke it out on the spot when they tasted it.