
Sentences Making

Date: 5th June 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Sentences Making

Today, we did some practice on sentences making. I taught the children to make sentences by using this phrase- " I like to eat......." and " I like to drink....".

Before we did the sentences making, the children needed to identify the food either to eat or drink. A few items were given for each category. Things to eat - rice, noodles, porridge, bread, pizza etc. Things to drink - tea, coffee, milk, water and juice.

This activity was done this way. We started off with things to eat. As a teacher, I started off first by making a sentence - I like to eat rice. After that, I picked a child to make his or her own sentence. Then, he or she will pick another friend and so on until everyone in the class had done their share.

After making sentences with food to eat, we also did on things to drink. With the same pattern, we went round the class until everyone had their turn.

