
Silver Object Project (Part III)

Date: 25th September 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Silver Object Project (Part III)

Today, I encouraged the children to add in some silver colours into their object. I have some silver colour paper, some from the cereal wrappers and some foil paper. 

From group to group, I try to suggest places where they could add in the silver colours. Most of the groups somehow managed to understand what my suggestions and discussed with their groups members to add in the silver colours into their work. 

Finally, after a few days of hardwork, their art work is done! The children happily shared their art work with their friends. 

Baby Pram done by Ee Wern & Huey Xin

Motorcycle done by Edmund & Ayden

Robot done by Pin Jee, Kai Heng, Zen Hong & Yee Hin

racing car done by Yi Fai & Jayden

A girl done by Thong Xuan & Yi Xuan

That's end of silver colour. Tomorrow, we shall move on to another new colour - white.


Silver Object Project (Part II)

Date: 24th September 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colour
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Silver Object Project (Part II)

Today, we continued with the parts that the children had left out yesterday. Today, I assisted the children in helping them to amend their picture's outline accordingly. Then I encourage the children to look for the colours that they needed from the magazine. Try to keep some space for silver colour. 

Some groups were quite certain of the colours that they needed and they will search for the particular colours in the magazine. However, some needed some guidance in choosing the colours and also where to put their collage.

By end of the day, I could somehow visualize the pictures that they children wanted to do. Yet, they have not included any silver colours into their pictures.

We shall continue tomorrow with the silver colours in their pictures.


Silver Object Project (Part I)

Date: 23rd September 2014
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Silver Object Project (Part I)

Jayden brought a silver magnet ball to share with his classmates. The children spent some time observing it as it could pick up any metal objects.

I found some cardboard boxes which come in different sizes. I cut it open. I wonder what the children could come out by using silver colour. On the other hand, I also found some silver wrappers from the cereal box.

I divided the 4 girls into 2 groups, while the 8 boys into 3 groups. Each group needed to discuss what they could draw on the cardboard boxes and it could relate to silver colour.

These were the groups and their idea:

-          Thong Xuan & Yi Xuan – a princess in silver dress
-          Huey Xin & Ee Wern – a baby pram
-          Yi Fai & Jayden – a silver racing car
-          Edmund & Adyen – a silver motorcycle
-          Pin Jee, Zen Hong, Kai Heng & Yee Hin – a silver robot

The children chose the sizes of the cardboard boxes that they needed.  I have some magazines in hand for the children to do collage work on their cardboard boxes. Each group started to discuss and draw out the outline of their pictures before they started to ask for materials.

I went round to see their work. I guided and assisted them as some of their pictures were pretty small. It could look more real and nice if it’s big.

Most of the groups manage to draw their outline and some simple collage work. We shall continue tomorrow.

Note: The pictures for this activity were stored in the computer. Unfortunately, it was lost. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 

New Colour – Silver

Date: 22nd September 2014
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

New Colour – Silver

Today, we started off with the new colour- Silver colour. We did a brainstorming session on this colour before we continue with other activity related to it.

Teacher: Can you name me things that are silver in colour?
Thong Xuan: silver crown, necklace
Edmund: silver bicycle
Pin Jee: silver car, earrings, water bottle
Zen Hong: silver rocket
Huey Xin: silver trumpet
Yee Hin: silver train
Jayden: silver ring, coins
Ayden: silver drum

Book Sharing – Stars by Mary Lyn Ray & Marla Franzee
This lovely book is about stars. As we raised our head at night, we could see stars in the sky.

After reading the book, I asked the children to observe the night sky to see if they could see some stars that shining bright in the dark sky. However some of the children don’t agree that stars are silver in colour. They said that the stars should be in yellow. 

Art & Craft-Golden Crown (Part II)

Date: 19th September 2014
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art & Craft-Golden Crown (Part II)

Today, I brought in some shining golden dust powder for the children to decorate their crown. As this part, I needed to guide them individually; therefore, the children take turns to complete their beautiful crown. Most of the children could complete their art work today.

Once they have put the golden dust powder on it, they used the glue to paste the two ends of the black stripe paper together so that it makes a round shape. Then once done, they started to put on their crown. Some needed some adjustment with the size of it. Most of them looked good.

The children brought their golden crown back home happily.

Art & Craft - Golden Crown (Part I)

Date: 18th September 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art & Craft-Golden Crown (Part I)

Today, we started to make the golden crown. With the black long rectangular paper that I had distributed yesterday, we continue to decorate it with some golden materials.

I found some round golden paper plates. However, I only have about 4 in hands. So I got an idea by cutting them into triangular shape to be equally shared among the children. After cutting all the 4 paper plates only I realised that there's about 32 pieces of it. There were about 11 children in the class today. How shall we divided the pieces equally?

I guided the children to count the numbers of triangular shape that I have in hand and we tried to distribute it by giving each one about 3 pieces. The last person only got 2. The children discussed among themselves who should get the remaining 2 pieces of it. Some suggested the shortest and smallest person in the class to get it. I think it's not fair. Therefore, I asked for volunteer. Not long, then Jayden volunteered to take the remaining 2 pieces and he said that he has other ideas of how to do with it.

Once the children got the golden paper plate, they started to work on their crown. Some of them would paste the triangular shape as the pointed end of the crown while some of them cut the 3 pieces of golden plate to decorate their crown. All sorts of great idea came out.

The children only manage to complete parts of their art work today. I have got some shinning golden dust. We shall continue with that tomorrow.

Note: The pictures for this activity was stored in the computer. Unfortunately, it was lost. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.