

Date: 21st August 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong


Today, we started off by learning blue. I get the children to name me some items in blue.
Here were some replies by the children:

Umeko: blue berry, bag, noticeboard
Germaine: paper, plastic bag, homework bag
Alice: water bottle, toys
Jie Min: bottle stripes, bowls
Wei Xiang: basket, book

In order for the children to learn more about blue, I played them a video on blue colour:

Video Sharing: Colour B-L-U-E blue song for kids

We sang the song twice before we called it a day.


Art and Craft - Life Cycle of Butterfly- final part

Date: 20th August 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art and Craft - Life Cycle of Butterfly- final part

Today, I printed out the word "metamorphosis" for the children to cut and paste it on a piece of yellow colour paper before pasting it onto their butterfly life cycle board.

Then, once they were done with that, they used a marker pen to draw the arrow onto their board. After that, I punched two holes onto their cardboard and put a string for the children to hang it at home.

Here were some pictures done by the children:


Art and Craft: Life cycle of Butterfly - Part V

Date: 19th August 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art and Craft: Life cycle of Butterfly - Part V

We have been working on the art work for the life cycle of a butterfly for days now. Today, I printed out the words for the children to label it onto the board.

As some of the children had chosen the white colour side of the board, while some chosen the grey side. When I placed the words onto both of the side, it's not very attractive. Therefore, I brought in a bright orange colour paper and show the children how to place the words onto it and cut it out as if it gave a highlighted effect of the word.

The children were amazed by the effect and they happily paste and cut the word out. Then, most of them could actually label the parts of the board by themselves.

This is how the end work looks like:

We might need some time to do the chrysalis tomorrow.

Art and Craft: Life cycle of Butterfly - Part IV

Date: 18th August 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art and Craft: Life cycle of Butterfly - Part IV

Yesterday while the children were pasting their twigs onto the board, I coloured some recycled paper in green by mixing some blue and yellow water colour. Today, the children were given a small piece of that green colour for them to draw their caterpillar. Then, they could cut it out and paste it onto their board.

On the other hand, I have also printed out the pictures of the butterfly for the children to colour it.

As we observe the butterfly, we noticed that the pattern on the butterfly wings. It would be the same on both left and right. The children agreed to it too.

Therefore, I reminded the children to observe the pattern they see on the picture of the butterfly and colour them carefully. Most of the children could follow such instructions while some needed some guidance.

Here are some pictures taken of the children's work:

Art and Craft: Life cycle of Butterfly - Part III

Date: 17th August 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art and Craft: Life cycle of Butterfly - Part III

I brought some twigs back from the park yesterday and brought it to school just in case the children had forgotten the task that I delegated on last Friday.

The children picked the twigs and shared it with their friends. Everyone started to paste the twigs onto their board. Some could do it on their own while some needed some assistance as they couldn't paste the twig firmly on the board. The four children who had done their twig on last Friday also helped me to guide their friends to paste the twig.

Finally, most of them had pasted the leaves and twig onto their board, we shall continue with the next step tomorrow.


Art and Craft: The Life Cycle of a Butterfly- (Part II)

Date: 14th August 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art and Craft: The Life Cycle of a Butterfly- (Part II)

Now, the children had pasted the leaf onto their circle shape. They needed to make some eggs like. Jie Min's art used tissue paper to do the egg. I was thinking of using other materials. Therefore, I suggested using recycle paper to do the eggs.

I cut some small stripes of paper for each of them. They have to roll the paper into a ball and try to paste it onto their leaf. Some of them did only one egg while some of them did a few.

Here is a work done by one of the children:

After this, the children needed to collect some twigs for their art work. Hopefully the children could look for a twig from home over the weekend. However, Wei Xiang brought a twig from home and he could shared the twig with another 2 friends - Kai Yuan and Kian Han.

This is the look of one of the kid's work:

Art and Craft: The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Date: 13th August 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art and Craft: The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Today, Jie Min had done an art work on the life cycle of a butterfly previously. She brought it to share with her fellow classmates today. The children were quite interested and kept looking at it. Then, there were some words for them to read as well. I suggested that we could do something similar to it. They all agreed.

I brought in some cardboard. Then, we traced the outline according to Jie Min's art work and got the big circle. The children decided which side they wanted to paste their art work and I shall write their name on the other side of the cardboard. The children tried their best to cut the circle shape according to the line that I have drawn there.

Then, we went out to the garden to pick some leaves for our art work. The children pasted the leaves on their circle shape.


Green caterpillar

Date: 12th August 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Green caterpillar

When we learned about green colour, the song taught the children about caterpillar and grasshoppers. Therefore, I looked up for some information about the life cycle of a butterfly and some songs about it for the children to relate it to caterpillar.

Here is the video sharing for today: Amazing Life Cycle of Monach Butterfly

From the video, the children learned about the different stage of a butterfly such as egg, caterpillar, pupa and butterfly.

Then, I played them a song: Muffin Songs - Fly Fly The Butterfly

We went through the lyrics of the song for a few times and we sang it too.


Colour Mixing - Part II

Date: 11th August 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Colour Mixing - Part II

Today, the children were sharing their pictures that they had done yesterday. I wanted them to be imaginative about their picture. They can shared whatever they think they saw in their picture.

Here were the sharing done by the children:

Angela: rainbow.
[Alice: it looks like a 暴风雨(storm).
 Wei Xiang: wind.
 Jie Min: dinosaur
Germaine: a big fish]

Shyi Yee: My one is square.
[Teacher: But it looks more like a....
 Alice: rectangle]

 Kian Han: snowman

Jun Yi: Mine is a heart shape. (initially she said:"I love you.")

Yi Ming: ...
[Angela: primary colours.
Germaine: Four people are playing with water.]

Kai Yuan: hand
[Germaine: Olaf (a snowman).
 Alice: hand
 Yun Han: cake
 Wei Xiang: snowman]

Ming Yen: raining. (Teacher: Are there any clouds?) Yes
[Alice: Is that 闪电(lightning)? 
 Ming Yen said that the yellow colour was lightning.]

Alice: water. (Teacher: dirty water?) Yes

Umeko: potato

Wei Xiang: Blue ball, red water, a table

Huey Teng: It looks like a guitar. (Initially she just said guitar, I guided her to make a full sentence.)
[Yun Han: looks like a rabbit.
 Germaine: looks like a piano.]

Rui Xin: circle. (Teacher: circle only?) Round round circle.

Germaine: Mine is a rainbow. [ Yun Han: jelly?] Rainbow car.

Er Xuen: ...
[Alice: rain
Germaine: looks like a rainbow
Rui Xin: circle
Jie Min: looks like rain]

Yun Han: Mine one is a dinosaur.

Shang Feng: eye
[Yun Han: water
 Rui Xin: rainbow colours
Teacher: eye? oh, I think I can see the eye lashes.]

Kheng Yee: orange

Jie Min: Mine one is a barbie doll. [Teacher: What do you mean by that?] It's colourful.

Dexter: mickey mouse

Colour Mixing

Date: 10th August 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Colour Mixing

My initial plan was to get the children to blow the water colour with a straw. However, the colour that I gave must have been too thick. They couldn't blow it. Some even complained that they started to feel dizzy. Finally, I allowed them to used their straw or hand to mix the colour together.

Here were some pictures taken during the activity:

Create a book (based on Little blue and little yellow) - Part II

Date: 7th August 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Create a book (based on Little blue and little yellow) - Part II

Today, we continued with the making of the book. I have printed out the sentences that the children had made yesterday.

I placed all the pictures that the children had coloured on the whiteboard. I get the children to group themselves in two to read out the sentences that they picked. Besides reading out loud, they also have to search for the pictures accordingly to paste the sentences onto it.

Here were some of the pictures taken during the activity:

Here's the story that the children had read and pasted. Have fun reading!