
More on Yellow

Date: 29th February 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

More on Yellow

Today, we carry on with yellow colour. Gaby, Yi Rou and Shan Lin brought a lemon each to school. Besides that, I also brought a yellow capsicum to school. At first, when the children looked at it, they claimed that it was a toy. Then, I asked them to come near and smell it. Some said it's a toy while some said it's a real vegetables.

Teacher: How do you know it's a real one?
Gaby: It got smell.
Teacher: How does is smells like?
Yi Rou: Spicy.

Since we have 3 lemons and a capsicum, we might be able to have some dessert & food for tomorrow's activity.

I played them a yellow colour song from youtube:

Video #1: Color Y-E-L-L-O-W yellow song - Kindergarten

We are going to make lemonade tomorrow. Therefore, I played them a video about the process of making lemonade for the children to refer so that they have some idea of what to do the next day.

Video #2: How to Make Lemonade


Yellow Colour

Date: 26th February 2016
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Yellow Colour

Today, we started with yellow colour. The children were very eager to share their thoughts about yellow colour.

Teacher: Name me things that are yellow in colour.
Shan Lin: paper, banana, colour pencil, table
Max: wall, star, lemon, chick
Yen Rou: sun, bag
Yi Rou: book, toy, T-shirt, plastic bag
Xiang Jing: fish
Haowen: minion
Gaby: rainbow, pants, ice-cream

After that, some of the children started to sing the "Bright Sun" song that I used to teach them when they were 4 years old. We have some new children in the class this year, therefore, I wrote the lyrics down on the board and we all sang once more.

Song: Bright Sun (Tune: Row, row, row your boat)
Bright sun shining down,
Shining on the ground,
What a lovely face you have,
Yellow big and round.

Teacher: Could you suggest an activity that we could use yellow.
Yi Rou: Lemon.
Teacher: What can do with lemon?
Max: Put water.
Teacher: Oh, you wanted to drink lemon juice. What's the taste of the lemon.
Yien: Sour.
Teacher: Yes, it's not sweet. How do we can make it taste sweet?
Yi Rou: We put honey.
Teacher: What if we don't have honey?
Yen Rou: Put salt.
Teacher: Salt taste salty, not sweet. (I gave them some hint by singing the song that we sang during "Red" colour - Roses are red. Then suddenly, some of the children shouted sugar!)

Children could bring a lemon to school on Monday if they could find one at home and it's not compulsory. We shall arrange a day to make some lemonade in this hot weather!


Introducing Reading book

Date: 25th February 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Introducing Reading book

I took a half an hour leave today, therefore, the lesson only managed to begin around 3:30pm.

I found some books and wanted to introduce to the children for their own pleasure reading. Both of the books are related to colours. We read through together and I left both of the books at the bookshelf. Hopefully the children will pick it up and read it.

Games - Recognizing Numbers

Date: 24th February 2016
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Games - Recognizing Numbers

Numbers were introduced when we did the rose printing assignment on the other day. I have reminded the children to look at that particular assignment that I pasted it on the wall so that they could remember the wordings for the number - one, two and three.

Today, I prepared 2 boxes of different blocks for the game. At the same time, I have also prepared some numbers card and rewarding stamp.

The rule of the game is as such:
1) Each time, there will be 2 players.
2) Once the number card has been placed on the table, both players can only look at it and read it in their heart.
3) Once the teacher had rang the bell, they could start to pick the relevant numbers of blocks from the boxes given
4) Both players have to stop once they heard the 2nd bell ring.
5) One stamp will be rewarded when any player got the correct answer.

We had played this game for 3 rounds as I told the children that they could be rewarded with a piece of coco crunch when they got 3 stamps.

Here were some pictures taken during the activity:


Worksheet - Things in Red

Date: 23rd February 2016
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Worksheet - Things in Red

I taught them a nursery rhyme about roses today - Roses are Red. It's a simple and short rhyme where the children could pick up pretty fast.

Roses are Red
Roses are red, 
Violets are blue, 
Sugar is sweet, 
And so are you. 

Today, I have prepared a worksheet about vocabulary for red colour for them to work on it. Yet, before that, I introduce the six words on the board by getting the children to paste the pictures on it according to the words that they saw. Most of them could get the words and pictures correct! How wonderful!

The worksheet requires the children to choose and colour the correct answer according to the pictures given. For those who couldn't do the worksheet themselves, I guided them to search for the answer from the board.

Here's a picture of the worksheet:

Printing of Green Vegetables as Roses

Date: 22nd February 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Printing of Green Vegetables as Roses

I saw an art work online related to red roses and coincidentally that I have some bak-choy and greens vegetables at home. I cut the bottom of the vegetables and they looked really like a rose. I have not printed it before, yet I do hope it works.

Before we moved on to the art work, I played them the red colour song for them to take note of the rose.

Video: Red Color Song - Colors Song - Learn Colors, Teach Colors, Baby Toddler Preschool Nursery Rhymes

In the worksheet that I have prepared required the children to learn the wordings of numbers - one, two and three. Therefore, we had some practice on the whiteboard before we start with our art work today.

Yi Rou drew a circle for "one".

Yi Tong drew two circles for "two".

Gaby drew 3 circles for "three".

By using the bak-choy or the greens vegetables, the children needed to print pictures of rose or roses according to the words given before the box.

Here's some pictures taken:

 This is how the worksheet looked like:

Painting the Rainbow with 3 primary colours

Date: 19th February 2016
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Painting the Rainbow with 3 primary colours

Today, I brought some water colour to the class. It's the 3 primary colours - red, yellow and blue. This time, the children get to colour their own rainbow by using the 3 primary colours. Not many photos were taken as I needed to guide some of them by holding their hands while doing the activity. I only managed to capture some of them.

Here were some pictures taken:


Red Colour & Rainbow Painting

Date: 18th February 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Red Colour & Rainbow Painting

We revised the 3 primary colours that we learned yesterday. Then, I also get the children to tell me the combination of colours that they remember. Somehow, they were still not very familiar with it. That's alright, we shall learn more in the future about combination of colours. Basically, we shall concentrate on the 3 primary colours for the time being. 

Today, we started off with "red". Surprisingly, the children remembered the song that I played to them when we touched red colour during our Chinese New Year theme. Most of them could name me the items that are red in the song such as apple, fire truck, red stop sign, strawberry etc. Some of them gave me things that are not mentioned in the song - chili, angpao packets. I added in tomatoes, roses, and red pepper.

Then, I played them a song - Rainbow Song for Preschool by Pamela Piersyn

After that, I took out some paint - red, blue and yellow and a piece of art block paper. I placed the paper on the whiteboard so that everyone can see. 

First, I damped the paper with some water before I stared to paint it with the 3 primary colours. With the 3 primary colours, I could get 7 colours of the rainbow. The children will get to do their rainbow painting tomorrow. 

Here are some pictures taken during the activity:

Finally, I added in the title - Amazing Colours at the bottom of the rainbow and pasted in the Starfruit class so that the children will get to remember the name of the theme. 


3 Primary Colours

Date: 17th February 2016
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

3 Primary Colours

Today, we started off with our colour theme. I introduced the children the 3 primary colours. Some said it's red, some said it's green, some said it's purple.

Therefore, I played them a video about the 3 primary colours.

Video: Sesame Street: OK Go- The Three Primary Colours

I played the video twice before we had our discussion. The children could notice the 3 primary colours - red, yellow and blue, clearly and they still needed some time in digesting the mixture of colours shown in the video. However, we shall work on the 3 primary colours first for the time being.

I also shared some simple colours book that the children could read and share in the class.

Note: 16th February was a special holiday as it's the Ninth Day of Chinese New Year. As a result, there's no blog update for Tuesday. 


Back to school from CNY holiday

Date: 15th February 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Happy Chinese New Year
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Back to school from CNY holiday

5th February, Friday, was the last day before the Chinese New Year holiday started. There's a teacher on leave in the afternoon, therefore, I was unable to attend the Starfruit thematic class on that day. As a result, there's no blog update for 5th February.

The children get to spend one week of Chinese New Year holiday at home. Today is the eighth day of Chinese New Year, the school also reopens today. I believe that the children have a lot to tell about their Chinese New Year. Therefore, we used about 30 minutes to let the children express themselves.

Gaby: I in the house, help mommy. (What did you do?) I help mommy to fold the shirts.
Yi Rou: My mommy help put the sweets inside the angpao, put the money in the angpao. She take the Coco Crunch for people to eat. We go dinner. Mommy bring me to the temple. Mommy let me touch the lion dance.
Max: 舞狮 (lion dance) come to my house. (Are you scare?) No. (Do you like it?) Yes.
Xiang Jing: I go to Giant and Tesco.
Yi Tong: My mommy give me angpao.
Max: Everybody come to my house.
Lucas: My daddy go meeting. Come back and play with me.
Yi Rou: My mommy take me go Giant, Jusco and the 拜拜 (to do prayers) people come to my house and Ah Ma's (grandma) house. They came in a bus. We all went swimming.
Gaby: I got go to 拜拜 (to do prayers). Mom put Coco Crunch in the angpao.
Max: My house got so many firecrackers. (Did you play with it?) Yes.
Gaby: Yesterday, mommy take me to Giant to buy things. My dad, mom and 叔叔 (uncle) eat 团圆饭 (reunion feast).

After that, we used some time to discuss about the new title for our new theme - colours. The children suggested a few and I get them to cast only one vote per person. Finally, they voted - Amazing Colours.

As we still have about 15 minutes left, I get the children to share about their favourite colours with the class.

Teacher: What is your favourite colour?
Shan Lin: pink
Yen Rou: orange
Yi Rou: red
Yi Tong: yellow
Lucas: orange
Jen Yaw: 青色 (green)
Zhuo Hwa: orange
Xiang Jing: orange
Max: blue
Emely: white
He Wei: red
Cheng You: I like yellow. (guided)
Gaby: blue


Art Work - Lion Dance (part II & III)

Date: 3rd & 4th February 2016
Day: Wednesday & Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Happy Chinese New Year
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art Work - Lion Dance (part II & III)

Basically these two days, I was working with the children to assemble the legs of the lion with the pipe cleaner. As the parts are pretty small for them and the skill in twisting the pipe cleaner in a proper way, I needed quite some time with individual to teach and guide.

Then for those who had done, I gave a pair of wooden chopsticks for the children to paste it at the back of their lion. However, I believe the chopsticks are a little too heavy and it kept dropping off. The children were trying very hard to stable the two chopsticks at the back of the lion.

These are some beautiful pictures of the lion that the children had coloured & assembled:

Art Work - Lion Dance

Date: 2nd February 2016
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Happy Chinese New Year
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Art Work - Lion Dance

Today, I brought in the art work that I wanted the children to colour their lion dance. Before we start our activity today, I showed them another video of lion dance performance in a shopping mall in Malaysia. From there, the children could observe the colours on the lion itself.

After the children had done the colouring in the school, they needed to bring the art work back home. Parents needed to help them to cut out the outline of the lion body, its leg and its tail. The children needed to bring back all those parts to school on the next day so that we could assemble the parts with pipe cleaner.

This is how the art work looks like:-