
More on Yellow

Date: 29th February 2016
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

More on Yellow

Today, we carry on with yellow colour. Gaby, Yi Rou and Shan Lin brought a lemon each to school. Besides that, I also brought a yellow capsicum to school. At first, when the children looked at it, they claimed that it was a toy. Then, I asked them to come near and smell it. Some said it's a toy while some said it's a real vegetables.

Teacher: How do you know it's a real one?
Gaby: It got smell.
Teacher: How does is smells like?
Yi Rou: Spicy.

Since we have 3 lemons and a capsicum, we might be able to have some dessert & food for tomorrow's activity.

I played them a yellow colour song from youtube:

Video #1: Color Y-E-L-L-O-W yellow song - Kindergarten

We are going to make lemonade tomorrow. Therefore, I played them a video about the process of making lemonade for the children to refer so that they have some idea of what to do the next day.

Video #2: How to Make Lemonade

