
Postcard Project - Part III

Date: 30th October 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Postcard Project - Part III

The children had learnt about address the other day. Today, the children needed to write an address on their postcard. I believe it would  be difficult to get everyone to write their own house address. Therefore, we created a universal address that everyone will just copy it and write it on their postcard.

This is how it looked on one of the postcard:

The children will bring the postcard home today and put it secretly at their postbox. Hopefully their parents will be happy to find a surprise in their postbox.

Note: The children went out on a field trip to I-City Snow Walk yesterday. Unfortunately, there were some delays in the schedule and the class was being cancelled. As a result, there's no blog update for 29th October 2015

I will put an end of our Rainbow Colours theme today. Though, the children wanted to learn about pink, I shall carry out some simple activity for it next week. We shall make use of November for our year end performance practice. Let's put our fingers cross that everything will run smooth!!

Goodbye! See you all in year 2016.

Postcard Project - Part II

Date:28th October 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Postcard Project - Part II

The children had written their message and pasted a stamp on the postcard that they have done. Therefore, we needed to put in the address.

Before that, I prepared an activity for the children to understand the usage of an address on any envelopes or letters that they have seen. We used a simple map with some houses drawn on it. Then, I labeled the roads with names. All the children will get a chance to be the postman to read the address and to point out the house correctly.

Here were some pictures taken during the activity:


Postcard Project

Date: 27th October 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Postcard Project

The children needed to write a message on their postcard. The children will tell me their message and then I helped them to write it on the postcard, they needed to use either a pencil or colour pencil to trace their message again.

Today, I also printed some stamps for the children to stick it onto their postcard. The children understand that they needed to get stamps from the post office. Therefore, I acted as the officer at the post office and the children needed to say out the correct phrases when buying stamps.

For examples:
Teacher: Hi there! How can I help you?
Children: I would like to buy stamps.
Teacher: How many stamps do you need?
Children: One.

This is just a sample of the conversation that I had practice with the children before we started the play role. Some of the children could get the phrases correctly while some needed guidance. This time, I get those children who can assist their friends in getting the phrases read correctly. Many of them are quite willing to assist their friends in such matters. I felt quite proud of them!

This is how the postcard looked like when came to this stage:

Grey Colour

Date: 26th October 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Grey Colour

After the children had done the white and black, we mixed these 2 colours together. The children realised that it turned out to be grey.

The children did some brainstorming session for things in colours such as elephant, raining sky etc.

I wanted to use the grey colour to create a grey sky on a postcard. Therefore, I have printed a town picture for the children to colour earlier on the A4 paper. I folded it into half to make it looked harder like a postcard.

Today, I mixed some white colour with some black colour to get grey colour. I get the children to use their back of their hand to print the grey colour on top of the town picture.


Paper Dolls (Part II)

Date: 23rd October 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Paper Dolls (Part II)

I found a phrase in the book that we can used to run a language activity with the paper dolls that they had done.

The phrase is as followed:

"You can't _______ me. Oh, no no no!
We're holding hands and we won't let go."

A small group of children were still working on their paper dolls while most of them had completed their paper dolls. Therefore, we all sat down in a big circle to play with the paper dolls.

The children would suggest a place or things that the paper dolls would play with and let them guess what will happen to those paper dolls. The children would apply the action into the song.

Jie Min: snow man....the snow man throw snow at the paper dolls.
(The children would sing:
"You can't throw at me. Oh, no no no!
We're holding hands and we won't let go.")

Alice: dinosaur....the dinosaur eat them.

Wei Xiang: island... got crab.

Dexter: into the sea... got shark....shark eat them.

Jie Min: Go to Australia....got swan

Alice: See elephant.....step on them.

The children had fun imagining where would the paper dolls go and they have fun singing the phrases as well. We had a fun day today!

Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson

Date: 22nd October 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson

I wanted to read this book for very long time yet, couldn't find a great opportunity. Coincidence, the haze condition were pretty bad for the past few days, school was closed for 3 days. Even though today the school has reopened, there were still some absentees in the class.

Therefore, I brought this book in for the children to do some activity today and tomorrow. Hopefully, they would enjoy it too.

We started off with the reading and then, I showed them the paper dolls that I have made. Then, we all sat in a big circle and I guided them to fold the paper in order and cut it into the shapes of a person.

After that, they could start to decorate their paper dolls. Most of them could complete the activity today.


Game - Words & Colours Recognition

Date: 16th October 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Game - Words & Colours Recognition

Today, I prepared some words with colour cards for the children to carry out some activities with it.

Firstly, the children were given only words and they needed to search for the correct colour card. Most of them could get it done correctly while some needed some guidance. Secondly, they were given colour cards instead and needed to search for the words. We had this for 2 rounds before moving on to the next game.

At the centre of the classroom, I placed some colour cards with their words on the table. The children were divided int o 2 big groups with a ball each. They needed to work in pairs. Each pair was given a ball. They needed to place the ball on their tummy and they have to make sure that the ball doesn't fall. No hands are allowed to touch the ball. Then, when the pairs came to the table, they needed to work together to search for the correct pair of words with their colour cards without getting the ball onto the ground. Most of them could do it according to instruction. However, one of the group started to lose concentration during the game and they didn't get to collect as many pairs as they could and lost the game.

After the tiring game, we all moved down to the kitchen to check on our ice cream. Hmm, hmm.. The ice cream is ready. The children were thrilled to find that the ice cream tasted so delicious! Yummy. They all said!