
Paper Dolls (Part II)

Date: 23rd October 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Paper Dolls (Part II)

I found a phrase in the book that we can used to run a language activity with the paper dolls that they had done.

The phrase is as followed:

"You can't _______ me. Oh, no no no!
We're holding hands and we won't let go."

A small group of children were still working on their paper dolls while most of them had completed their paper dolls. Therefore, we all sat down in a big circle to play with the paper dolls.

The children would suggest a place or things that the paper dolls would play with and let them guess what will happen to those paper dolls. The children would apply the action into the song.

Jie Min: snow man....the snow man throw snow at the paper dolls.
(The children would sing:
"You can't throw at me. Oh, no no no!
We're holding hands and we won't let go.")

Alice: dinosaur....the dinosaur eat them.

Wei Xiang: island... got crab.

Dexter: into the sea... got shark....shark eat them.

Jie Min: Go to Australia....got swan

Alice: See elephant.....step on them.

The children had fun imagining where would the paper dolls go and they have fun singing the phrases as well. We had a fun day today!

