
New Colour – Silver

Date: 22nd September 2014
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

New Colour – Silver

Today, we started off with the new colour- Silver colour. We did a brainstorming session on this colour before we continue with other activity related to it.

Teacher: Can you name me things that are silver in colour?
Thong Xuan: silver crown, necklace
Edmund: silver bicycle
Pin Jee: silver car, earrings, water bottle
Zen Hong: silver rocket
Huey Xin: silver trumpet
Yee Hin: silver train
Jayden: silver ring, coins
Ayden: silver drum

Book Sharing – Stars by Mary Lyn Ray & Marla Franzee
This lovely book is about stars. As we raised our head at night, we could see stars in the sky.

After reading the book, I asked the children to observe the night sky to see if they could see some stars that shining bright in the dark sky. However some of the children don’t agree that stars are silver in colour. They said that the stars should be in yellow. 

