
Fun with Food Chant

Date: 10th June 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Fun with Food Chant

Tomorrow will be our first day for the "Taste of the Day" activity. Therefore, today, we shall do something interesting. I found a fun food chant that the children could learn by themselves.

Refer to the video : Fun Food Chant

The children practice by listening to it and repeating after it. Then, I get the children to suggest some other food that was not mentioned in the video. By using the food chant pattern, we also make our food chant.

These were suggested by the children. I guided them to complete it.

Yun Han: Strawberry, small, red strawberry
Jie Min: Lemon, I like lemon
Yun Han: Pizza, I like pizza
Alice: Pear, green, juicy pear
Shyi Yee: Jam, jam with bread
Alice: Egg, I want an egg
Shyi Yee: Coffee, I drink coffee

