
Fun with food chant

Date: 27th May 2014
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy, Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Fun with food chant

Today, we went through the flashcards on fruits and vegetables.

Then, by using the reading method introduced by the fun food chant, I encouraged the children to try to make simple sentences about the fruits or vegetables they know.

This was what given by a few children:

Pin Jee: Lemon, lemon is sour.
Huey Xin: Watermelon, watermelon is juicy.
Zen Hong: Tomato, tomatoes are red.
Jayden: Banana, bananas are yellow.

[Note: some of the children remembered the lines from the fun food chant. Yet, it’s a good try! Hope they could continue with this for other areas in the future!]

Book Sharing: Silly Lilly Marie
Lilly Marie likes gardening and she had planted a lot of different kinds of fruits and vegetables throughout the 4 season, spring, summer, autumn and winter. However, she doesn’t share any of the fruits or vegetables that she had harvested. She dried them, pickled them and stored all of it on the shelf in the kitchen. She ate all of them by herself.

By end of winter, she was overweight and she even broke the chair when she sat on it. How silly she was to be so greedy.

Plans for tomorrow: Salad making. Children were encouraged to bring a butter knife or a cake knife to cut cabbage.

