

Date: 9th June 2014
Day: Monday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy, Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


The “Sour Day” is tomorrow. Therefore, today, we continue with some facts about fruits/vegetables. The vegetable that I had chosen to introduce today is pumpkin.

I brought in a big pumpkin with some books to the class today. The children observed the pumpkin and try to lift it. They said it’s heavy. Some even couldn’t figure out if it’s a real or fake pumpkin.

Book Sharing – Duck & Goose, Find a Pumpkin by Tad Hills
In this simple and interesting book is about Duck & Goose looking for pumpkin everywhere. Finally they found the pumpkin at the pumpkin patch.

Book Sharing – How many seed are there in a pumpkin by Margaret McNamara & G. Brian Karas
The story begins in a class where the children were asked to figure out the numbers of seeds in a pumpkin that comes in 3 different sizes. Then the teacher, Mr Tiffin guided the children to carry out the activity of emptying the pumpkin and how to count the seeds. The children themselves, comes out all kinds of way to count the pumpkin seeds. At first, they even assumed that the biggest pumpkin would have the most seeds yet, it turned out to be that the smallest pumpkin had the most seeds.

With some little time left, we hurriedly did the poster for our “Hot/Spicy Day”. The children were reminded to bring related food for “Sour Day” the next day.

This is our poster:

