
Where did you buy food from?

Date: 4th July 2014
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy, Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Where did you buy food from?

We had done learned quite a lot about food. Therefore, today we would like to explore something else.

Teacher: Where do we buy food from?
Pin Jee: I don’t know.
Jayden: Supermarket.
Teacher: Yes, we can get food from supermarket or even the wet market or night market. How about setting up a supermarket here?
Zen Hong: How?

So I suggested that the children could bring some empty boxes of biscuits, cereals, ice-cream, or even empty cans or plastic bottles. Any used materials that they could find from home which suits the theme. Hopefully we could set up a simple supermarket and play with it on Monday.

Role Play – Cooking, Serving & Eating
This time round, I didn’t get another set of cooking set from the other class. I asked the children to play with those cooking sets or toys they could find in the class.

As I observed, this time round, the children could actually immersed themselves into the cooking role play. Some of them became cook. Some of them were customers who ordered food. The children had fun playing. They were quite reluctant to pack when time is up.

