
Art & Craft - Purple Grapes (part II)

Date: 29th August 2013
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art and craft: Purple Grapes (Part II)

The water paint that the children did yesterday had dried up. When the children looked at their grapes, they said it’s not purple colour. I think I had mixed too much of blue instead of red. The mixture had turned out to be dark blue and not really purple.

Then I got an idea how to make it looks more like grapes. I gave each child a marker pen to let them draw circles to form grapes and I drew a shape of leaves for them to colour it green.

Ei Jay asked if he could coloured his grapes purple. I said: “Yes, why not? You can try to add on the purple colour onto your grapes.” Surprisingly, the outcome turned out to be pretty good and it looks more like a purple grapes. Then, other children saw the outcome, they also wanted to follow. So the children happily coloured their grapes and leaves after they had drawn the circle in their paper. 

