
Pattern - Part I

Date: 11th September 2013
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Patterns (Part I)

Story book sharing – Colours
This is an interesting book about a little mouse went in to a room and discovered some colour water paint. It started to paint it on a piece of paper. There’s no word for all the pages in this book and it allowed the children to explore their imagination about the storyline.

Since we are doing colours, I brought in the session about patterns. I started by drawing shapes in pattern on the board and get the children to tell me what comes next. At first, some of them didn’t know what to say and just pick a shape from nowhere. Then I got them to actually read out the patterns, such as circle, triangle, square; circle, triangle, square; circle, ………. ; the children needed to fill in “triangle” as the next shape. We had a few rounds of such practice and the children got more excited when they could get the answer correct.

I shall prepare some worksheet for such pattern practice tomorrow.

