
New Chapter: Black Colour

Date: 2nd September 2013
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

New Chapter: Black Colour

Today, we started off with another new chapter of colour. It’s black colour. This colour has been suggested by the children a few times, so I think it’s time for us to explore into it now. We did a brainstorming session today. 6 children who are 5 years old from Pomegranate class joined the Stairfruit class today. So the numbers of children are bigger now yet more interesting.

Teacher: Can you name me anything that is black in colour?
Wen Xuan: Shoes.
Li Heng: Shirt.
Kwan Ming: Panther.
Emerson: Tire.
Yee Jie: Frog. (He saw the frog from the pond in the school which is black in colour.)
Wen Xuan: (She pointed to her face. Ah…she means “eyebrow”.)
Ei Jay: Mouse.
Zhen Yu: Hair.
Yee Jie: (He also pointed to his eyes. Ah…he means “eyeball”.)
Zhen Yuan: Chocolate. (Do you mean dark chocolate? He nodded.)
Yi Jie: Bird. (Yes, some birds are black in colour.)
Wen Xuan: Tadpole. (She actually said this in Mandarin, I helped her to translate it.)
Teng Hong: Bat. (Some children started to say batman...hahaha)

Wow, the children have a great observation of things around them. At least this time, they could tell me other things than just shirt, car or toys. We shall do some black colour activities or art work this week.

If parents have any idea or suggestion that you would like to contribute for this black colour theme, you are welcomed to post your suggestion here. 

