
Oh, Think that you can Think!

Date: 4th September 2013
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Oh, Think that you can Think!

Actually some time ago, I had read this story by Dr Seuss to the class. I remembered that time, the whole class listened to the story very quietly. There were some added children this time to the group, so I used this time to read them the story again.

As I expected, with all the exploration to colours and the language, the children started to notice other things in the same page as I read the story to them. They started to tell out different things in different colours.

This makes the story reading session more interesting. Though the story is a little bit too long for such young age, I do believe that they somehow enjoy the hilarious thought by Dr Seuss and those colourful pages.

We are going to do some art work or things related to black colour tomorrow. Hopefully the children could enjoy it. 

