

Date: 1st August 2014
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


We moved on to the next colour on the rainbow today. We did a brainstorming session on yellow things today.

Teacher: Sun.
Thong Xuan: Duck.
Ee Wern: Chick.
Zen Hong: Banana.
Jayden: Lemon.
Thong Xuan: Sunflower.
Teacher: Butter.
Yi Xuan: Cheese.

Song – Bright Sun Shinning Down (Tune: Row, Row, Row your boat)

Bright sun shinning down,
Shinning on the ground
What a lovely face you have
Yellow big and round.

Game – Colour Recognition (by using colour rubber ring)

The children were given a bean bag each. They needed to throw the bean bag into the colour ring according to the colour that I gave them. So I divided the class into 2 groups so that the children could play more rounds. 

