
Salt Bottle Art

Date: 20th August 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Salt Bottle Art

After watching the video yesterday, the children asked if they could do the salt art first and put the shade of colour till tomorrow. This time, I didn’t ask all the children to bring their own bottle. Therefore, we shall do it in a group.
I prepared the following items for the bottle salt art:-

- 2 packets of salt
- a dry small plastic bottle
- some bowls for colour mixing
- food colouring (variety of colours)
- some spoons
- a funnel

 I put some salt in a few bowls with some food colouring. Then I passed it to the children to mix the colour. 

Once it was done, all the children get their turn to put the salt into the bottle through the funnel. The children said the bottle salt art is beautiful. 

