
Lemonade? Lemon Juice?

Date: 6th August 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Lemonade? Lemon Juice?

I wanted to carry out an activity for yellow colour. Then I thought of making some lemonade. However, I didn’t want to bring in the lemon straight for this. Therefore, we had a brainstorming session about how to make lemonade. Interesting discussion was done and these were some of the note that I had jotted down from the children.

Edmund said he had tried lemonade. He shared his memory of it with us.
1)      Take a cup, put water in the cup.
2)      Cut the lemons, put it in the water.
3)      Put all into the refrigerator.

Yi Xuan said she had tried honey lemon. This was what she shared in Mandarin.
1)      Squeeze the lemon. Put water and shake it.
2)      Put honey and drink.

Thong Xuan: I had tried honey lemon.
Pin Jee: Ice-lemon tea.
Huey Xin: Lemon juice.
Jayden: Honey lemon tea (hot)

I showed them a video of how to make lemonade. We might be able to follow the steps and make some tomorrow provided if any of the children could bring a lemon to school.

Video Link: How to make lemonade

