
Green Frog

Date: 13th August 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Green Frog

Earlier some time, the children related green to frog. Therefore, today, I chose a frog song to share with the children. But somehow, the children couldn’t hear the lyrics clearly. I told the children that I shall write down the lyrics and we can sing together.

Today, I had prepared some frog art work for the children to do.

These were the things that I had prepared:-
1)      oval shape on green paper
2)      round shapes for the frogs’ eyes on white paper
3)      smaller round shapes for the frogs’ eyes on the black paper

Then I got the children to cut out all the shapes given accordingly. This time, I could observe that they could try their best to cut according to the line. Then, they would arrange the frog onto another purple paper.

Due to insufficient time, we shall continue with this frog art tomorrow.

