
What is blue in colour?

Date: 19th August 2014
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Beautiful Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

What is blue in colour?

We had done quite a lot of on green, therefore, today, we moved on to blue. The children gave a few items that they think it’s blue in colour such as water, sky, whale, dolphin, blueberry, blue water bottle, blue shirt etc.

Then I get the children to pick a blue item from their class and share with their fellow classmates. Some found a blue brick, some found a blue pad, some found a toy etc. However, some found a different shade of blue. The children observed it and could tell which is lighter in colour and darker in colour.

After that I brought in some water paint – blue, white and black. On a piece of paper, I colour the blue in the middle.

Teacher: If I wish to make a lighter blue, what should I add in? (The children thought for a while.)
Children: White?
Teacher: Let see if it works.

Therefore, I put in some white to the blue. Immediately, it turned to a lighter colour. The children were happy to know they made the correct guess.

Teacher: If I add in black, what will happen to the blue?
Children: Dark blue.

Same thing, I add in some black paint to the blue, it tuned a dark shade of blue. The children requested if they could do this. Due to insufficient of time, we shall carry out this activity the next day.

I showed them some video about how the bottle salt art was done:-

