
Story Sharing - You are my Best Friend

Date: 7th October 2013
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Book Sharing – You are my best friend 《你是我最好的朋友》

This storybook is by Bisseuil, R. He is a French author. This book has been translated to Mandarin. The story is about a little white mouse, named Nana, who wanted to befriend with an elephant. However, in the mouse society, everyone knows that elephant is scared of a mouse.

In such a coincidence that Nana found an elephant name Momo who were not scared of her. This is because Momo is a blind elephant who can’t see. Nana pity Momo and wanted to introduce the colourful world to Momo. That’s how they started their friendship as Nana described the colourful world to Momo. Those colours that Nana introduced were red, yellow, blue, green, white and black.

From the interesting description of the colours makes the children’s imagination goes further. Even though I read the story in Mandarin, however, the discussion in between stories were done in English. Today we only could cover 2 colours, red and yellow. We shall continue with the story the next day.

I prepared some milk and food colouring to do an experiment. However, the milk had gone bad. Therefore, the experiment was a failure. I shall get a packet of fresh milk to redo the experiment again tomorrow.

