
Painting on water

Date: 3rd October 2013
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Painting on water

I came across this interesting video about painting on water. Then I found out it’s a Japanese painting technique called suminagashi. It’s a fun art work to do with kids.

The materials I needed were as followed:

1)      a shallow tray of water
2)      some water colour paints (I don’t have those particular ink or paint for this)
3)      paint brush
4)      papers that can absorb colours easily (not A4 paper)

First, I put some water in to the shallow tray. Then I started with the darker colour such as blue and dipped it into the water gently. Then it will actually form some simple patterns. The water colour that I used was not that bright in colour when contact with water yet, it still form a pale shade of colour.

Once I’m done with the colour, I took a piece of paper and placed it on the surface of the water. The paper will absorb the colour and it will turn into a beautiful and unique colour pattern. The children were amazed with such art. I demonstrated about 3 pieces of it with different colours and patterns.

Due to insufficient time for the children to do it individually, we shall do it the next day so that they could try it out on their own.

