
Story Sharing Part II & Milk Experiment

Date: 8th October 2013
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Book Sharing – You are my best friend 《你是我最好的朋友》 – Part II & Milk Experiment

Today, we continued with the story. This time we managed to complete the rest of the colours, blue, green, white and black. Momo said he loves white the most because Nana is willing to introduce the colourful world to him.

Then I prepared all the necessary things for the milk experiment again.

These are the things that I had prepared:

1)      a small packet of milk (must be full cream as I need to fat in it)
2)      some food colouring (preferably colourful colour such as green, red, orange or blue)
3)      some dishwasher
4)      some cotton bud
5)      a shallow dish

First, we poured the milk into the shallow dish. Then, put in some food colouring, I chose 3 colours. After that I dipped the cotton bud with some dishwasher and placed it firmly on one of the colours. As the fat in the milk reacts towards the dishwasher, the colours seem to move away. The children were amazed with the reaction. That’s the reason why when we have grease in our hand, the soap can wash it away easily.

Then I got everyone to try it out by holding the cotton bud and placed it on the surface on the colour. 

Pour the food colouring into the milk.

Placed a cotton bud with dishwasher to see the reaction. 

2 条评论:

  1. An interesting experiment to be tried out at home too. Only that the dishwasher that I used couldn't create the effect as I saw on YouTube. I believe it's due to the content in the dishwasher :)
