
Worksheet - Colour Pattern (Part II)

Date: 29th October 2013
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Worksheet - Colour Pattern (Part II)

Most of the children had not completed their colour pattern yesterday. Besides that, there were some absentees who were present today. Therefore, we continue with the worksheet.

After a round of practice yesterday, the children seem to be able to handle this worksheet much better today. Most of the children were able to complete it today.

Before we end our class today, we went through the lyrics of the “Rainbow Song”. I played the song and get the children to sing along. The lively and happy rhythm makes the children wanted to dance too. I guess they love the song.

We shall move to silver tomorrow. I got the children to have a brainstorming session about things in silver that they know. Immediately Kwan Ming pointed to Teng Hong’s necklace and said that it is silver in colour.

Children were to observe things around them which is silver in colour. We shall have some activities or art work about silver colour this week.

