
My Green Thing

Date: 19th June 2013
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

My Green Thing

I would like to find out how much green thing can the children tell me. So I prepared some green colour paper and some white colour paper. The children had to draw out the things that they know in green in the green colour paper. Then they cut it out and pasted it on the white colour paper. After that, they would share what they had drawn.

It’s very interesting to find out that most of the children loves things like lollipop, sweets etc. You can find that in their sharing session. However, some do come out with something extraordinary. Let’s see what did the children shared about their pictures.

Teacher: What had you drawn here? What is this?
Ei Jay: Lollipop, tree, car, leaf, flower. (he had drawn quite a number of things on his paper)
Xin Yi: Apple, grape, lollipop, ice-cream, carrot. (Is carrot green in colour? She nodded with a smile.)
Wei Jun: Lollipops. (he said that in Mandarin. What are these? He just shook his head.)
Jiun Jie: Car, lollipop, ice-cream, grape, apple.
Yee Jie: Lollipop, balloon, tree, leaf, grape, grass.
Li Heng: Lollipop, car, balloon, tire.
Qi Jie: Lollipop (many of it), clock, balloon (he said one of it had burst, so funny), flowers and leaf, sun. (Is the sun green? He nodded with a big smile.)
Golden Hoo: Ball, balloon, apple, flower, lollipop.
Wen Xuan: grapes, ball, water bottle, car. (Car has no wheels. She said stop, the car stop. I see.)
Zhen Yu: Pizza. (Is there other things?) No, pizza. (He said that with a big smile on his face.)

3 条评论:

  1. Wen Xuan indeed has a water bottle that is green!

  2. No wonder she will draw that. Good observer.

  3. No wonder she will draw that. Good observer.
