
Blowing the colours

Date: 17th June 2013
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Art and Craft – Blowing the colours

Looking at children’s art is an interesting work. I had not actually do any water paint art work with Starfruit class before. I would love to see their creativity and imagination in colours. Therefore, today, I prepared some water paint and straw for the children to do an art work.

I got three water paint colours prepared, blue, green and red. I gave each child a piece of paper and a straw. Once I put the 3 colours on their paper, the children somehow knew how to start with it. Only that, some of the children started to use the straw to do colouring instead of using it to blow it. Some even got saliva on their papers. Anyhow, after about 15 minutes, I could see that most of them had almost complete what they wanted to do.

We quickly cleaned up the place and I got them to share their picture with their classmate. Most of the children were quite shy and said it very softly.

Teacher: What does your picture looks like?
Teng Hong: A dragon.
Yee Jie: A chameleon.
Li Heng: I don’t know. (Ei Jay said it looks like fish)
Ei Jay: Fish. Many fish.
Wen Xuan: Snake.
Qi Jie: Tree.
Phey Zheng: I don’t know.
Jiun Jie: Tiger (he said it in Mandarin) (Oh, it’s tiger in English)
Xin Yi: Heart. Blue heart.
Wei Yi: Fish.
Zhen Yu: Fish.
Wei Zun: (he just stared at me)
Bo En: Dragon boat (he said that in Mandarin) (It’s dragon boat in English)

"I got a heart!"

"I can blow"

2 条评论:

  1. I think they did blow painting with teacher 叶桂景 before CNY. Just this time with bright colours! :)

  2. Yes, they did. But I have not tried any art work with them before. I was wondering how the situation will turn out to be. But the children are very imaginative when come to sharing their picture.
