
Frog is Green

Date: 4th June 2013
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Frog is GREEN

We revised verbally about the green things that we went through yesterday. Then I introduced a song about green colour. I read through the lyrics with the children and sang one to two times to them. At first, they were listening carefully and tried to follow. We tried a few times and finally the children managed somehow to catch some of the lyrics. It’s a good try!

The lyrics of the song are as followed:

There’s a colour we all know (Tune: Old MacDonald Had a Farm)

There’s a colour we all know
It’s the colour that means “Go!”
Oh, grass is green and lettuce is green,
Leaves and spinach and peas are green
There’s a colour we all know

(I sang most of the words; I get the children to spell the G-R-E-E-N. They can do it quite well. I shall try a little bit more tomorrow.)

Frog Hopping Race
The children mentioned frog is green. So I get them to line up into 3 lines with about 4 children each line. They have to hop like a frog across the room to the other end of the line.

All the children hop as high and as fast as they could! Wow, they are really look like a frog.

We shall do an art and craft about frog tomorrow. Hopefully the colour green will have a deeper impression in their mind! 

We are ready for the Frog Race!

See how high I can jump!

Do I look like a frog that hop?

