
Father's Day Poem (part II)

Date: 12th June 2013
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Father’s Day – Poem (part II)

We did half of the Father’s Day poem yesterday, therefore, today we continued with the other half of it. This is I read the poem to the children and see if they could suggest any actions for me. Some of the children could catch the meaning of the lines and did give me some actions and we adapted it into our poem when we read it.

Book Sharing – Colour

This book is in Mandarin and it was actually brought by one of the 6 years old children. I borrowed the book to share it with our Starfruit children.

In this book, it actually introduced each individual colours and given a lot of related items with the colours. For example, in the page of red colour, the children could name me a few items such as crabs, tomatoes, strawberries that they saw in the page.

We went through red, green, blue and orange. Since we had learned a rhyme about colours, so I practiced the lines with the children.

Teacher: What colour is this?
Children: Red
Teacher: When I see red…
Children: I put my hand on my head. (with their action of putting the hand on their head)

Teacher: When I see blue..
Children: I touch my shoe (with the action of touching their toes pretending to be shoes)

Teacher: When I see green…
Children: I wash my face so clean (this one I need to give hints as the children were not that familiar with it, however, they know the action very well by washing their face)

Teacher: When orange is found …
Children: …(this one is actually “I put my hand on the ground”, the children were not that familiar with this as well. So they just stared at me.)

We can practice more for the children to read the rhyme more fluently.

Dear parents, there’s no blog update for Thursday, 13th June, 2013 as I will be following a school field trip. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

