
Purple Colour

Date: 1st September 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Purple Colour

I have told the children last week that we shall move on to purple once we had done blue. Therefore, today, I played them a song on "purple". It might take them a while to get familiar with those lyrics.

Anyhow, from the video, the children noticed some items in purple. They shared it out during the brainstorming session.

Teacher: Can you name me things in purple colour?
Angela: grapes
Alice: sweet potato, violet, dragon fruit (some answers were given with guidance)
Germaine: morning glory
Jie Min: eggplant

After that, I also mentioned a few things such as yam, mangosteen etc.

Video Sharing: colour PURPLE purple song for kindergarten

At the same time while playing the purple colour song, we also revised other colour song so that the children were more familiarize with them.

