
Discussion & Movie - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part IV)

Date: 11th September 2015
Day: Friday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Discussion & Movie - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part IV)

Since the movie left only about 10 minutes, I told the children that we shall put it as our last activity for the day.

We had some discussion and summary of the movie that we had watched. Today, it seems the children could express their thoughts and feelings much better compared to yesterday.

"I won't leave papa and mama"
"I want the chocolate factory"
"I don't want the chocolate factory. I want my father and mother"

These were some of their sharing about the movie.

We had some reading done before continuing with the movies.

The last part of the movie was when Willy doubted that his father loves him. He wanted Charlie to accompany him to visit his father. Finally, Willy's accepted the fact that his father loves him very much. Instead of asking Charlie to leave his family before, Willy joined in as a family member. Now, Willy has a family.

