
Book Sharing

Date: 20th May 2015
Day: Wednesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Book Sharing

Today, we shared some books on vegetables such as salad and pumpkin. The children could see how a pumpkin grows from the seed till a ripe pumpkin. Some of the children kept asking if we could cook pumpkin. I told them we shall carry out this activity next week if possible.

After that, we had some discussions about making coleslaw. Some of the children started to share their experience of eating coleslaw while some were still unsure what we were talking about. However, when I told them that coleslaw can easily get from KFC, suddenly, many of them started to share their parts.

Some of the children mentioned about names of vegetables while some mentioned about fruits. So I get them to vote if they wanted to do fruit salad or vegetables coleslaw. Finally, most of them voted for vegetables coleslaw.

Therefore, I guided the children to tell me the name of vegetables that they could add in. Here were some of the vegetables mentioned:

               carrot, cabbage, cherry tomato, capsicum (I mentioned this), sweet corn etc. 

Hopefully we could collect all the above ingredients by tomorrow to carry out the activity.

