
Book Sharing & Puzzle Time

Date: 11th May 2015
Day: Monday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Book Sharing & Puzzle Time

Today, I started off the lesson by sharing an interesting book with the children. It is - What's in the Witch's Kitchen. The children will have to choose either to turn the pop up right or left or even up or down to see what's in the witch's kitchen. Some of the items that appear in the book looked spooky or even disgusting to them but they find it relief when they saw something nice on the opposite of it.

After the sharing of the book, we have about half an hour time. I brought in some vegetables and food puzzles for the children to work on it. Some of them could do it quite quickly while some of them needed a little guidance and courage to carry on with the activity.

