
Activity - Pasta Cooking

Date: 19th May 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Activity - Pasta Cooking

We read about "Strega Nona" of her magic pot that could cook pasta. Therefore, I carried out this activity today for the children to explore pasta.

As I was getting the pasta cooking, the children saw the bubbles that coming out from the pot and they started to sing the song that Strega Nona will sing to her magic pot (only the first two lines):

Bubble, Bubble, pasta pot,
Boil me some pasta, nice and hot!

I guided them a little in getting the words right. Then, they kept on singing until the pasta is well cooked.

I gave each of them some different kind of pasta hoping that they could come out with some design of it on their paper plate. However, most of them just arranged their pasta in circle. At least they tried. Then, once the pasta sauce had been heated up, the children came to put the sauce and eat their pasta.

Here were some pictures taken during the activity:

