
Book Sharing - Strega Nona

Date: 12th May 2015
Day: Tuesday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Book Sharing - Strega Nona

This is a re-told story written about pasta for reading. I found the book quite interesting. Therefore, I wanted to share with the children.

The story is about Strega Nona who is a grandma witch. She will perform some magic touch for the town people though they were talking at the back of her. However, she age is catching up. She needed a helper to keep her house clean. Therefore, she put up a notice for hiring a helper. Big Anthony went to take up the job. Strega Nona informed Big Anthony about his job scope and also reminded him not to touch her magic pot. 

One day, Big Anthony heard how Strega Nona did to the magic pot for cooking pasta. He was amazed. Unfortunately, he didn't watch the full process of it. Finally, the chance came one day for Big Anthony to try the magic pot himself but he didn't complete the full step and he couldn't stop the pot from cooking pasta. All the town people was frightened. Fortunately, Strega Nona appeared in time to stop this. Big Anthony was being punished to eat up all the pasta that he had cooked. 

Then, we had a brainstorming session about pasta and also food that contains carbohydrates that they have learned. We might carry out an activity about pasta if possible this week.

