
Yellow, Yellow, Yellow

Date: 1st July 2013
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Yellow, Yellow, Yellow

Today, we moved in to the colour of yellow. We had a brainstorming session before we start anything else. I get the children to take turns telling me if they know the name of things that is yellow in colour. The children were great that they could name me things like banana, lemon, yellow watermelon, mango, moon, star etc.

Poem – Yellow, Yellow Happy Fellow by Jean Warren

Yellow, yellow happy fellow,
Running through the town,.
Yellow, yellow happy fellow,
Jumping up and down.

While reciting this poem, I got everyone to stand up to combine it with action. After a few round, some of them can even recite without my help. What a great fun with action to help them to remember it much better.

Song – Bright Yellow Sun (sang in the tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Bright sun shinning down,
Shinning on the ground,
What a lovely face you have,
Yellow, big and round

While singing the song, I asked the children to imagine about looking at the sun!

Book Sharing – Colours

I had shared this book with the children at the beginning of the theme. But today we only focused on yellow colour. 

2 条评论:

  1. Xuan seems having fun with this! She asked me, mama, water melon got yellow one meh? I told her yes, but she still doubted that. I'll find one day and show her yellow water melon :)

  2. Haha, yes some of them doubt about their friend's answer and said :" Teacher Yeong, they have nothing to say so they simply say" ( they gave me this comment in Mandarin!
