
Video Sharing - Preschool Power Kids

Date: 5th July 2013
Day: Friday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Video Sharing – Preschool Power 5: Little Kids Doing Big Things

Today, I got this VCD from Yu Xi, a 6 year-old child from Pomegranate class, who shared it with her classmate. So I borrowed it from her to share it with our Starfruit class. In this VCD, the children could see how other little children could help out at home such as simple baking, easy washing and even cleaning the hamster’s cage.

Besides that, it also introduced the shades of colours. It introduced red, blue and yellow which are the primary colours of all. It introduced lighter colour shades and darker colour shades by doing experiment.

On the other hand, the video also demonstrated some simple science experiment that amazed the children too. 

