
Tour to the Kitchen & Be Familiar with the Food Pyramid

Date: 2nd May 2014
Day: Friday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy, Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Tour to the Kitchen & Be Familiar with the Food Pyramid

As I promised the children on Wednesday that we shall take a short tour to the school kitchen. While in the kitchen, I guided the children through and they tried their best to name as many things as they could see such as the refrigerator, stove, sink, cupboard, spoon, plate, fork, knife etc.

Then we got back to the class, I arranged some coloured blocks on the floor to form a skeleton frame similar to the food pyramid. As I wish the children could remember which food should go at which level of the food pyramid, we had an activity on this.

At the first round, the children could choose any food they would like to be and jumped until the level that it should be according to the food pyramid. To my surprise, the children choose a variety of food to play with.

Before they jump, they would say, “Orange.” “Fish.” “Sugar.”

Jayden: Banana

Thong Xuan: Sugar

Yi Xuan: Chicken

At the second round, I named the food for each child and they need to jump accordingly.

Some of the children could started to remember the level of the food should be while some still needed to refer to the food pyramid every time. 

