
Movie – Cloudy with a Chance of a Meatball 2

Date: 14th May 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy, Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Movie – Cloudy with a Chance of a Meatball 2

I was on emergency leave on 12th May (Monday), the teacher who relief my class played a movie for the children to watch. The movie is Cloudy with a Chance of a Meatball 2.

 The children didn’t finish the movie on that day.
13th May (Tuesday) was Wesak Day holiday, as a result, there’s no blog update for Tuesday.

When I came back on Wednesday, the teacher who relief my class told me that the children couldn’t understand the movie. She advised me that I should give some briefing and explanation throughout the movie for them to understand more.

Therefore, I played the movie from the beginning again. Before that, I did give some brief introduction about the movie that the children were about to watch. Along the movie, I do give some explanation so that the children could follow the storyline.

However, we only managed to complete half of the movie and we needed to continue with it tomorrow.

