

Date: 8th May 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Yummy, Yummy Food
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


Carbohydrates are source of energy for our body. With some simple example and explanation, the children could some how understand that.

Carbohydrates are mainly divided into simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. It took me a while to explain this to the children.

Then I got the children to stand up as a group to pretend that they were a lollipop. I wanted to explain the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. 

Then I pretended to be a person who ate them. As simple carbohydrates are quickly dissolve in the stomach, therefore, it could not make a person feel full.

Then when the children stands together to pretend as a bread (complex carbohydrates), I make the children leave the group one by one. I believe from this view, they could understand that the bread was being dissolve slowly and it makes a person feel much fuller and not getting hungry so quickly.

I managed to let the children to watch the video of making of the sausages today: -

Video Sharing - The production of hot dogs

