

Date: 26th August 2013
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong


This week we shall focus on “purple” colour. I got the children to brainstorm of things in purple.

Teacher: Can you name me anything which is purple in colour?
Children: Grapes…T-shirt….car…. (Suddenly, there’s silence from the floor. So I had to carry on with the list)
Teacher: Plum….prunes….eggplant / brinjal/ aubergine….dragon fruit.

The children were thrilled to know there are so many things in purple.

Then we sang a purple song adapted from online.

Song: We Love Purple (Tune: Frere Jacques)

We love purple, we love purple.
Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
Purple grapes and eggplant.
Purple plums and grape juice,
Just for me, just for you.

By Heather McPhail

