
Homemade play dough

Date: 20th August 2013
Day: Tuesday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Homemade Play Dough

I always wanted to do this with the children. Children are always excited when comes to play dough where they could make a lot of model out of it. Therefore, I got all the ingredients ready for making homemade play dough.

Basically the ingredients are as followed:

1)      flour
2)      salt
3)      cooking oil
4)      warm water
5)      food colouring (we used orange as it matches with our them colour)

I showed the children all the ingredients and after I have put in all the ingredients, I got the children to come out one by one to stir the mixture evenly. The first half children find it easy as the mixture was not mixed with so much of water. However after a while of mixing it, the children find it difficult to move the spoon in it. This requires a little of strength to do it. Yet, the children still enjoyed it very much.

Teng Hong: Very easy!

Zhen Yu: Ha ha ha...

Wen Xuan: I want to do!

Bo En: So sticky!

I knead the dough and then put it away into the fridge to keep it fresh for the children to play with it the next day. Due to insufficient of time, the children could only play with it the next day. 

