
Blue, what is blue?

Date: 5th August 2013
Day: Monday
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Blue, what is blue?

Today, we started our theme colour on “blue”. Before we moved in to any activities, we had a brainstorming session about what the children know about blue.

I got the children to think for a while and then take turns to say anything that is blue in colour. These are their answers:

Yee Jie: shirt, paper, clock, fish, hat
Xin Yi: (she actually mentioned those other children had said)
Wei Yee: car, shoes
Teng Hong: dolphin
Wen Xuan: table, book, toy, snake, peacock
Qi Jie: chair, shark
Emerson: scissors, fan, jellyfish
LI Heng: water, tissue
Bo En: house
Jiun Jie: blueberries

The children said that the sea is blue. Therefore, I got them each a piece of paper and asked them to draw the underwater world. The children excitedly said they were drawing fish, dolphin, whale, shark, octopus, jellyfish and etc.

