
Introduction to Green

Date: 10th March 2016
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Amazing Colours
Teacher: Ms Yeong

Introduction to Green

We revised all the songs from red, yellow to blue. Besides that, we also sang "In the Rainbow". With the art work that the children had done for blue, they also sang "A Sailor Went to Sea" rhyme before we moved on to green colour.

I played the video - "The Three Primary Colours" song for them to flashback their memory on colour mixing. From there, they could see that green is from blue and yellow.

I also played them a video on "Little Blue and Little Yellow" a story by Leo Lionni.

Video: little blue and little yellow.mp4
(I love this version as it's pretty easy for the children to understand)

