
Drawing - Things in Red

Date: 9th July 2015
Day: Thursday
Time: 3:00-4:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Rainbow Colours
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Drawing - Things in Red

Today, we had a quiet session - drawing. I prepared some red colour paper with some A4 blank paper. Each child will get a small piece of red colour paper to draw anything that they think is red on it and then, they needed to cut it out and pasted onto the A4 paper.

Then, they shared their drawings with me.

Here were some drawings done by the kids:

Ming Yen

Huey Teng

Shyi Yee

Dexter Wong

Jun Yi

Alice Lim

Rui Xin

Yi Ming

Jie Min

Yun Han

Germaine Yap

Umeko Ng

Angela Chah

Wei Xiang

Kai Yuan

Kian Han

Shang Feng

