
Facts about squid

Date: 16th April 2014
Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Facts about squid

The children were interested in squid and cuttlefish. Therefore, I used about half an hour to go through some facts about squid with the children that I can find online.

These are some facts about the squid:

-          The shape of the squid is like a torpedo
-          The squid has 8 tentacles with suction cups; it also has 2 long tentacles to capture its prey
-          They swim faster than other invertebrates
-          It has 2 large eyes
-          Female squid is larger than male squid (Pin Jee said the female squid needs to carry a lot of babies. He must have remember it from the crab.)
-          The squid can swim backwards
-          Female squid lays thousands of eggs
-          Squid eats fish, smaller squid and crustaceans
-          Squid can lives about one to two years
-          Just like octopus, squid can also eject black ink

I did individual vocabulary reading while the rest of the children did some free reading on their own.

I was on leave yesterday therefore, there’s no blog update for 15th April,2014.  

