
Book Sharing: Sea Creatures by Pamelo Chanko

Date: 3rd April 2014
Day: Thursday
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Class: Starfruit
Theme: Underwater World
Teacher: Teacher Yeong

Book Sharing: Sea Creatures by Pamelo Chanko

This is not a storybook. Yet it’s a book about how to describe the sea creatures. The sentences are very simple and short. However, some of the parts I still needed to do some extra explanation.

The lines in the book are as followed:
-          Some creatures are long.
-          Some creatures are fat.
-          Some creatures are spiny.
-          Some creatures are flat.
-          Some can glide, and some can dive.
-          Some have eight arms.
-          Some have only five.
-          Some are bumpy, and some are hairy.

-          Some are bright, and some are scary. 

